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Azerbaijan Declares 2024 as "Green World Solidarity Year"

2024 Green World Solidarity Year

In a groundbreaking commitment to environmental stewardship, Azerbaijan has officially designated 2024 as the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World." This far-reaching decree, issued on December 25, 2023, underscores Azerbaijan's dedication to sustainability and aligns seamlessly with global environmental initiatives.
The announcement resonates internationally, showcasing Azerbaijan's proactive stance on environmental challenges. This declaration comes in tandem with the goals of the "Advancing Port of Baku’s Sustainable Development Goals Initiatives" project, amplifying the nation's commitment to sustainable practices on an international scale.
The "Green World Solidarity Year" initiative signifies Azerbaijan's pivotal role in fostering a greener, more sustainable future domestically and globally. This forward-thinking approach demonstrates Azerbaijan's dedication to collaborative efforts in achieving broader international environmental objectives.

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